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18 Dec 2013

Don't Blame the Player, Blame the Game - 10 Ways to Get What You Want Now, Now, Now

You are already working faster, harder and better than your peers. The only thing you shouldn't be doing is working cheaper. Join author, attorney, and co-founder of She Negotiates Consulting and Training, Victoria Pynchon, to learn the ten secrets to getting what you deserve - more money, better opportunities for promotion, and, incidentally, the creation of a better world for all women and girls.\r
About Vickie PynchonVictoria Pynchon is a former corporate litigator and trial attorney who transformed 25 years of commercial dispute resolution experience into a negotiation program for women that promises to close the gender wage and leadership gap now, now, now! Author of The Grownups' ABCs of Conflict Resolution and Success as a Mediator for Dummies, the co-founder of She Negotiates Consulting and Training has found, and is daily delivering, the "secret sauce" for pay equity and income parity. The work of She Negotiates has been featured on NPR's All Things Considered, PRI's Marketplace, CNN, Fox Business News, the Wall Street Journal and dozens of lesser publications. Victoria and her business partner have written extensively for Forbes and are the negotiation advice columnists at The Daily Muse.

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