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15 Apr 2011

Collaborative Contracting - Getting Off To A Good Start

\r\n The negotiation stage of a long term and/or high value contract is a critical stage – just as is the take-off stage of a long haul flight, the point of no return! It creates the baseline for the deal; it kicks off the relationship between the contracting parties; it determines whether value for money is achieved; it defines the contracted deliverables; and once the contract is signed there is no way out without cost. In fact, it is such a critical stage that, until recently, no or very little attention has been paid to the other stages in the contracting life-cycle, such as compliance management and exit management. But the attention the negotiation stage has received was the wrong type of attention: it was the attention of the old-style procurement-related communities, communities which have traditionally and intuitively adopted an adversarial approach to negotiations.


\r\n Ian Deeks, Ten Square Limited

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