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24 Sep 2015

Ask the Expert - Talent Development: Biggest Risk or Competitive Weapon - it's your choice!

Almost all of the recent research of Contracting Executives (both buy & sell) "rank recruiting, training, retaining, and aligning their organizations as their #1 goals.". In this session we will talk about the emerging role of the contracting professional, the competencies that are necessary to play that role in today's environment and some approaches to developing sustainable, strategic competencies. The results of a recently concluded NEXT Practices Research project along with client case studies will be presented.\r
The focus of this highly interactive workshop will be to challenge your thinking around the competencies that are really necessary to be a successful contracting professional. Hint: Think about most of the issues a contracting organization deals with - are they process issues or something more? Contracting professionals today are really playing the role of internal consultant. The "consultant" needs to be an analytical thinker, proactive communicator, negotiator, change agent and savvy salesperson. This requires a very different set of competencies from process skills. This session will help attendees to understand the skill set necessary to move their organization toward world-class. We will also discuss some practical approaches to identifying your current competency gaps and methods to close those gaps by developing sustainable, strategic competencies. Attendees will leave with the following tools and concepts:\r
- Understand the emerging role of the contracting professional.\r
- Understand the types of skills/competencies necessary to lead your contracting organization to World-Class.\r
- Learn an extremely successful and practical approach to developing those competencies within your contracting organization.\r
- Learn from the NEXT Practices Research\r
- Understand what a number of other organizations have done.

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